Thursday, June 5, 2008

My new notebook.

So for some reason my mum always buys me stationary as gifts.
At easter time, so as to not feed us too much fat and sugar, my mum usually gives my sister and I a notebook of some kind, along with at least one pen, and then often a lindt bunny or something to still remain true to western holiday consumerism culture.

ANYWAY. Somehow, whether it just be from personal enjoyment, or from the amount of them i've recieved, I've really ended up enjoying getting new note books, and filling them up with random things.

I have one notebook that was filled entirely with To Do lists of the morning variety- more like a schedule of what I needed to do and remember between the hours of 7 and 8 each morning. Because i definitely shouldn't forget to get dressed! That was a few years ago. Since then I've preferred a more mature and artsy take on my note books- a few have been used up as a prop for my ongoing radio career- very handy to write down the song you've just played so you remember to say what it was. That kind of thing.

So, i'm already 3 paragraphs in and I haven't got to the point. Therefore, i shall give it to you now. On Sunday evening, my mum gave me a new notebook.
Although it isn't bright and colorful like most, this new notebook is now vying for position of best notebook ever. WHY? Well. let me tell you.

It used to be a car tyre.
Don't believe me?
Well, check out the website for the brand here.
Basically, this company gets random things, in this case tyres, be they lost, worn out or nicked, and turns them into notebooks.
The paper is recycled paper on the inside, but the actual notebook cover is made of tyre. It has a crazy rubbery texture, and is very very cool.

Hoorah! It was fun, attempting to write poetry on the train today with my new tyre book.


Scarf. Again.

Okay. I am finally going to have to coax myself into accepting the fact that my scarf is not an original.

In the city the other day, going up an escalator out of a train station within 100 metres in the same shopping centre that the below post story occurred, I saw ANOTHER GIRL WEARING MY SCARF.


I wish I could call myself a trend setter but I don't think that's the case.
Anyway, see the below post for more details as to be devastation.

Current tally for this certain scarf: |||