Friday, December 7, 2007

Once Upon A Festival

EDIT: Yet another post I didn't want on here anymore. It was an ad for a build-a-festival competition thing i entered.
I really am starting to wonder how to delete posts...

Friday, November 23, 2007

I never though I would get political?

EDIT: I decided I didn't like having such a huge political ramble on here.
Let me know if you would like to read what was here before i edited it out.
Also, does anyone know how to delete posts? Because i certainly don't...

Thursday, October 25, 2007


The shrill piercing fills my ears as what must surely be flames fiercely licking the smoke alarm sensors to cause such a noise. The whole house is filled with the siren sound, and I hear strong and hurried footsteps move down the hallway towards my room, where not only I am currently sitting, but right near where the alarm is positioned. I hear yelling over the noise, and contemplate leaving my room to try and find safety from the goings on.

There isn't a fire. There isn't any smoke. I'm not in any immediate foreseeable danger. Rather, It is a Thursday night, and while I sit in my room, laptop at the ready, pages of writing spread all over my desk, my mother dearest stands in the kitchen preparing food for a guest we are having over for breakfast tomorrow morning. Apparently she is cooking muffins, and whilst the thought of actually consuming them is appealing, the fact that the smoke alarm has been set off at least 5 times in the past 20 minutes is something that I find far from appealing.

My CD player is playing one song on repeat. Kate Miller-Heidke's amazing voice fills my room as I turn the volume up in a lame attempt to drown out the unwelcome alarm noise. I've seen the very quirky and eccentric Kate perform a few times, and she amazes me. She has been trained in opera, but sings music closer to the pop alternative category now. She has a powerful voice, but this particular softer and quieter song is beautiful. It was written about someone she knew who, after a few years and loosing contact with an internet penpal, receives a touching email from their old friend.

First of all, I, apologise, for this slow period of silence

Being busy's no excuse, to pull away and loose touch with my friends
Last time we met, on the net, maybe you didn't like those things that I said
But the day i sent, you that sad mail, not one, not two, but three couples of friends split up

Please don't start your reply with "sorry i was busy too",
Its the business that brings us to our needs,
Who invented all things we have to do,
Cos if i don't have you, oh babe,
What I'm trying to say is don't let go,
don't let go, don't let go, don't let go, don't let go, don't let go, don't' let go, don't let go

Please don't start your reply with "sorry I was busy too"
I know you're busy, we are all busy, we've got such important things to do

They aren't the full lyrics, but the song 'Don't Let Go' seems so relevant to be listening to. Sure, I haven't just received an email from a long lost friend, but the whole 'busy' part is just so here and now. As I finally am able to listen to silence, after the smoke alarms battery has been well and truly removed, I am confronted by all the things I need to do. Distractions are common, the smoke alarm was one, this blog is one, music is another. But here I am, moving towards adulthood and realising that the things I'm doing are going to impact my life. The childish lack of responsibility that I have cherished for so long has disappeared as I have to move towards success and outcomes. It's hard, being in a situation where you feel like you can't go on, where you feel like you don't have the energy, yet you know that things need to be done. You know that there are places to be, people to see, things to do, goals to achieve.

In two weeks, I will have completed 2 of my final school exams. I won't have finished all of the final exams till this time next year, but having such important pieces of assessment coming up is daunting. Not only that, I have three 2000+ word assignments due within 2 weeks, as well as numerous essays and tests. In the next 17 hours I also have to complete an application of a university scholarship that I have been nominated for. I want to put my head down and sleep, I want to stop typing and ignore it, yet at the same time I am so keen to achieve this. I'm so excited at the prospect of having something to be proud of.

So, in the next 24 hours, I will eventually finish and put forward this application. I know I will, because I want to, and I somehow managed to get things done at the last minute. But after the application is sent, after I complete 2 essays throughout the course of tomorrow, I will be tired. After I spend the weekend attempting to study for my final exams, I will feel hopeless. After a week of final preperations, I will be terrified. But in 2 weeks. In 2 weeks this will be over. After 3 or 4 weeks of finishing everything up, I'll walk out of school, knowing I can enjoy the moment.

I won't have finished school forever. But I won't have to go back until February. Until February, I'm not going to be busy. I'm not going to have important things to do. Until February, I'm going to do the things that I want. I'm going to write like crazy, yet for no exams or essays. I'm going to read like crazy, yet not for school texts, but for enjoyment. I'm going to experience freedom, until February. I can't wait.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

[not so] FAQ

What is your favorite color?

I don't know about my favorite color, but I could tell you a bit about my favourite colour. I don't have one! It's the kind of question that really is frequently asked, and I never know what to say. Sometimes I say rainbow, and people tell me it isn't a colour. Other times I say numerous colours and I get told that you can't have multiple favourites. Other times I've been emo and said black, and people tell me it's a shade, not a colour. WTF? However, if you look in my wardrobe, there is a hell of a lot of blue, green and grey. Does that mean they are my favourite colours? I don't think so, I just happen to like wearing them. So, I don't think I do have a favourite, I just love colours in general. I find it particularly enjoyable sorting things by colour. Especially M&Ms and coloured pencils.*

*note: bolding for Jordan & Americans in general.

What brought you to VH?

As you can tell from every other blog I've done, I love Harry Potter. That's what brought me to Virtual Hogwarts. The people there is what's kept me there.

Why do you think we* get along so well?

I think we get along so well because we are both amazing. XD In all honesty, I don't know. Maybe because we are so different in so many ways that we can share differences with each other, yet at the same time we have similarities, and we've been drawn together by VH. I think we can talk for hours, laugh for hours and write for hours, so that's why we own. [& do get along so well]

*Note: 'We', being, Teresa & Ellie.

How much do you love me*?

I love you so much. You're so friendly, hilarious, talented, intelligent, great to talk to & more than wonderful to know. <333

* Note: 'Me' being Teresa.

OMG I’m* the first American you ever texted. How does it make you feel?

I was SO excited when I sent that text message. It was so bizarre to be sending something across the other side of the world, and when you received it so quickly, my heart skipped a bit. It makes me very happy that it was you who got it. <3

*note: 'I' being Teresa.

Why do we bother with Lamearse*?

We bother, because we love him. Although he is LAME at having MSN on when he isn't there, when he is around, it's wonderful. He can be hilarious, helpful, great to listen to, great to be listened by, handy for suggesting music, fun to chat to on Skype [when the STATIC doesn't kill us all] and just generally an awesome guy. <3

* Note: Lamearse being Jordan.

Can you make my teeth grow faster so it doesn’t hurt as much?

I suggest going into hibernation, so that when you wake up, you will have missed the pain, and the growing process will be over. Alternatively, you could take some painkillers and wait. I'm sorry, that's all. <333

Don't you think Kill Bill is one of the best movie series ever?

I have to admit, I haven't seen Kill Bill. *hides from embarrassment*. There just hasn't been a time that I have had the chance to watch it! However I will agree that it is one of the best movie series ever, because everyone says so, and it looks pretty snazzy, from what I've seen&heard. And Uma Thurman is just awesome.

What’s it like having to be on at certain times to talk to Americans?

It's bizarre. At times, it can be frustrating and boring, especially when I'm on in the evening and all you Americans are sleeping. Yet at the same time, I think it makes it more exciting when I do talk to people, because I know that it's harder to find times when it's possible. Synchronising can be difficult though. However, I've become awesome at working out time differences. For example, it's currently 2.27am in Virginia & Ohio. Also, it's fun being able to say I'm from the future. <3

Has VH or any other RP site changed how you write over time? How?

It has completely changed how I write. My writing from a few years back is nothing like the way I write now. And although part of that can be accredited to just growing up, my roleplaying has improved dramatically [I think/hope] and so VH can definitely win the award for changing Ellie's writing the most.

We know your earliest memory, but what's your favourite?

Yes you do know my earliest memory *points down*, but my favourite? Hmmm. It is a tough call. I'm thinking that it is quite possibly New Years from this year. However the killers/arctic monkeys/bloc party gigs I went to during 2007 were also amazing. Andd if I go back a few years, reading a book full of messages from hundreds of people when I got baptized was pretty incredible. I DONT KNOW! SO MANY GOOD MEMORIES!

Will you do my Algebra homework for me?

You know what? If you had have asked me that yesterday Sam, I may very well have said yes. However, I'll have to say now. Why? Because today I had my last. maths. class. EVER. So, i'm in my 2nd final year of school. I'm so close to being out. This time next year I will be done. Forever. Anyway, this year I am doing final year maths. Why? Because it means I won't have to do it next year, so it will be over and done with. Also, because I'm lucky, and it will mean I end up with 6 subjects counting towards my final score, compared to alot of people with only 5. SO, final year classes finished today, so MATHS FINISHED! No more, ever, again. Except for my two maths exams in less than 2 weeks.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I wish I could

get a tattoo, get a piercing, go to america, go back to every country i've ever been too, find a favourite colour, sing well, play guitar well, play any instrument well, skateboard, snowboard, get my full license already, go to glastonbury, write a novel, get published, have my art in a gallery, be in a real band, get media passes to things more often, be a band photographer, live overseas, get into the uni course i want without finishing school, get this damn scholarship, meet my real dad, write something as amazing as HP, end poverty, make peace, save someones life.

I love

harry potter, music, hockey, the smell after it's been raining, chocolate, travelling, reading, finding something new that you enjoy, talking to friends, watching a good movie, discovering an unknown band that you love, playing violin, writing on blank paper, remembering all the words to a song, singing even if its out of tune, trying something new, adrenalin, cake, absolute silence, attempting to skateboard, being a radio dj, live gigs, having a cause, being happy, scarves, sunsets&sunrises, climbing a mountain, suprising yourself, achieving goals, getting a new haircut, meeting someone you admire, making deadlines, getting 100%, being proud of yourself, mochas, photography, drawing, drinking water, looking at old photos, smelling memories, playing guitar, putting your favourite song on repeat, telling someone ILY, christmas, playing with fire, rainbows, hearing secrets, birthdays, music festivals, traditions, new years, friendship.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Real Life Friends?

So, if you've read the last post in my blog, you can probably tell that i like Harry Potter. But one of the things that has held my interest in the book over those years when all we could do was wait has probably been the crazy stuff on the internet. I remember first discovering fanfictions and being amazed by the writing, then discovering HP podcasts and going insane. But the best discovery by far has been Virtual Hogwarts.

It is one of the websites that I spend most of my time on these days. I'm constantly amazed by the incredible writing and graphic skills of the people on the site. But as well as their zomg!super!skillzzzz, I'm just in awe of what amazing people they are. Some of them have been on this site for 4 years. That's some decent commitment right there I say, and i applaud them for it. Personally, I joined on the 27th of December in 2005.

Lately there has been a topic conversation on the site based around whether people feel that others they know through VH are 'real life' friends, or just 'online' friends. Whether there is actually a difference, whether these are just categories that mean nothing, and whether you're able to be friends with someone who is on the other side of the world.

I know there are people who don't think that anyone from the website can be classified as 'real' friends. I also know people from the site who physically see each other all the time. And then, there are plenty of us, who, even if we haven't met people in 'real life', we talk to them all the time and we think of them as 'real' friends.

I think the site is predominantly used by Americans, though there are people from various countries [including a few here in Australia] But, regardless of whether any friendships I feel I have are 'online' or not, the people are still usually on the other side of the world. Because I've never seen these people, can they be classified as friends? Can I say that I know someone from VH? Can I talk to others about these people as if I saw them the other day?

I guess online friendship is a bizarre concept in its own. But with technology? I do think that you can feel friendship. I have a msn account that is purely for VH. In the last few months, I've found myself on there more than my 'real' msn. Also lately, I've found that I enjoy talking to people I've never met as much as the people I see every day. I've found out that I can easily work out the time difference for American EST (-14 hours plz). I've found out that writing, knowing someone you care about is going to reply with writing of their own, is one of the most enjoyable experiences.

Anais Nin said: "Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
Sure, Nin probably wasn't talking about knowing people via a harry potter website, but that can quote can so easily be proven in VH. With other real people, you create stories, and you create a world through collaborative writing.

"Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behaviour between two or more humans." Again, this can so easily be placed in the context of a roleplaying website. It takes teamwork to write a roleplay! But I don't want to just go on about VH, because it's bigger than that. It's about people from VH that I always like talking to. It's about people that I care about, and it's about people that I refer to as friends.

The tendency to desire what is best for another, sympathy, empathy, honesty and understanding are important features in friendship. I can't talk on behalf of the people online that I call friends, but on my part, I do feel that these are aspects of our awesome msn conversations!

I think at this point, I feel like I have the right to call people friends. My mum constantly finds it odd when I talk about these people, and probably worries that I'm growing closer to random Americans that could be 'cyber bullies', [i have explained on numerous times that that is a ridiculous idea, though i think i've talked enough about them that they aren't a threat anymore] but they are the exact opposite. I've spoken to these people on Skype, I've sent them text messages across the world and I talk to them nearly every day. So are we allowed to be friends? If I want to go and study in another country because I adore people who live there, does that classify them as mates? If they can make me laugh out loud, can we call it a friendship? If I know what they look like and vice versa, are we 'real life' strangers?

I'm not about to go and marry someone I met in a dating chatroom, but I don't think location or lack of physical contact should stop people from being friends.

-Ellie xx

P.S Jordan & Teresa, ILY.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Thoughts from July: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows

I remember writing the following passages whilst horribly sick with a cold and far too tired to be on the computer. I also remember hiding the document in a really random folder on my computer, but it has now been found.

My thoughts regarding the 7th book.

It's funny to look back on them. I was so sure I would become depressed, though I've been absolutely fine (despite the many tears shed whilst reading)


Harry Potter. 10.28pm, Friday 20th July, 2007.

The time has come. In just over 10 hours the 7th and final Harry Potter book will be realeased.
Original feelings of excitment in the past year have been quashed by new ones of complete and utter concern.

Harry has been a part of my life for the last 7 years. I hardly remember my first experiences with him, but they must have been good for me to be here typing this today.

A story, a world, a magical place. The incredible series that JK Rowling created has been 100% absorbed into my life and spirit.

I love Harry, I love his world, I love his friends. I hate his enemys, and I've cried, laughed and grown up with him.

In ways this has made Harry so personal to me. A boy in my imagination. Yet Harry is not only mine, but a part of millions of people's lives all over the world.

Tomorrow morning, Deathly Hallows will be released. I don't know how long it will take me to read it. I don't know what my reaction will be.
What i do know, is that after tomorrow, when I close the book. I will be closing the last chapter of the journey I've had.

The internet has meant a huge harry potter phenomenon, with fanfiction, roleplay games, games, artwork and so much more created from what Jo has given us.
It will be interesting to see just what happens after the final book is released.

Over the past few days, over 1000 books were released early. I pride myself on the way I've kept spoiler free, and when I go to bed after writing this, I know it will be difficult going to sleep knowing that in the morning the final journey begins.

I may not be making much sense writing this. But I need to say it. I need to express just how much I adore Harry.

The movies have not at all curbed my enthusiasm, but rather reinforced it, and given it a great new spin.

Seven years of Harry will not be forgotten, and I look forward to sharing him with my children, and many others in the future.

To see what Harry Potter has become. To be part of this thing is just so unbelievably amazing, and it is with greatest despair that I will have to say goodbye.

This is it. The time has come, will good triumph over evil?


Saturday 21st July, quarter past midnight.

I finished Harry Potter at 12.01

I don't know what to think.


So there we go.
What a crazy day that was.

Some of my favourite things.

1. My Scarf//

I can't even remember how long ago it was that I bought my scarf, but I do know that I got it from my neighbour, when they were selling all their things out in the street. It's obviously been handmade sometime, and it's so different from any other scarf I've ever seen. The actual knitwork is interesting. I don't know what sort of knitting it is, but I don't recognise it. And then instead of it just being 'flat' as such, it has been folded around so that it is twice the thickness...So, if you were to say, cut off the ends, it would be like a really long tube. Make sense? I hope so. ^^
The colours are pretty crazy as well. On their own, they are all somewhat ugly colours, yet together they just make an awesome collection of coolness. Also, the scarf is about 3 meters long. It has suffered hot chocolate stains, it has suffered rain, hail snow, it has suffered heat, because I can't bear to not wear it during summer, and it has also been a movie star. I created a film that was a representation of Autumn. And Autumn= scarves. <3

2. My old phone//

For New Years this year, I went to the Pyramid Rock Festival. It was absolutely incredible. So here I was on NYE. I had seen Silverchair play and danced for hours to Mylo the night before, I had been at concerts all day, and now here I was, right in the middle near the front of a crowd of 15,000 people, dancing and going crazy to The Living End. It was quite possibly one of the best/most romantic/craziest times of my life. Best, because the band were amazing. Most romantic, because a complete stranger stayed with me for hours, making sure I wasn't killed after I had got stuck in the middle of the mosh pit. I never got to find out his name, and I never got to say thank you, after I managed to get out and find some fresh air&water. I know it has nothing to do with a phone so far, but my cell/mobile phone was the next part. Considering it was boiling hot and summer, I was just wearing a tshirt and shorts. The shorts were flimsy and had shallow pockets, which meant that at some point, my phone escaped, and found itself underneath those 15,000 people.

Once The Living End had finished, we were well into 2007. The Freestylers were next, and although I had fun dancing to them too, my poor phone was on my mind. All my 'Happy New Year!' messages would be gone! At about 4am, my friend and I made our way over to the spot where I had been with my amazing mosh protector earlier. There were plenty of people collecting shoes, bottles, bags, tshirts and other lost items that were scattered all over the joint. The ground was muddy and covered in rubbish, yet somehow, my phone was found.

3. My Beatles Coin//

In 1999, I lived in England for a year. I know my profile says that I think this has been one of the best years of my life, but if this isnt, then that year was. Or else it's a draw. My family moved there, where my parents worked, and I went to school. We travelled practically every weekend, and spent the Summer holidays all around Europe. I'm so fortunate, I think I've been to 18 or so countries. Anyway, in England, we lived in a little town between Manchester and Liverpool. Even though it's socially unacceptable, i go for both Manchester United & Liverpool in the football. *shrugs*

Considering The Beatles were from Liverpool, there were plenty of times that they came up during our time in England. My next door neighbours were an old couple who skipped school in their teens to go down to the pub and see the Beatles play, before they were superstars. Plenty of times we would spend a day visiting one of the members childhood houses, or a location where they recorded, or where they had been sighted etc. Though I think one of my favourite times was visiting the Beatles Museum in Liverpool. There was a yellow submarine, there were photographs, records, documents etc etc etc. And there was also a machine, that would print a beatles stamp on your coins. So, I have a copper coin with a Beatles stamp on it. It is awesome.

It's something like my earliest memory.

He holds her hand tightly as they walk up the corridor,
His grasp appears to comfort her, and though she is oblivious, it is probably him who needs comforting.
He doesn’t need consoling for a bad reason, merely the emotions are running high.

The walls are very white, and the people surrounding match, their faces and hands the only glimpses of colour and life escaping their long white coats.
Some of the people are like her and like him, normal people going places too.
She doesn’t know where they are going, despite him explaining it repetitively.

Yesterday had been unusual, when she spent the day with others,
Of course they treated her well, but he had arrived home late.
Though earlier today they had slept and played like usual,
It was just tonight that things were extraordinary again.

He knows where they were going, so she just follows,
The corridor seems never ending, though it twists and turns.
Somehow she knows that they are nearly there, but maybe that is just a thought.
But soon they arrive and are welcomed, where she is held tightly by another in a chair.

After encouragement, she makes her way over to another part of the room.
The dim light contrasts the corridor, though there is a lamp that creates reflections.
The smooth coloured foil of the eggs are like fairy lights, shining throughout the room.
She finds one on top of a ledge, and then discovers the source of such rewards.

The shiny eggs are scattered around the cradle, as small and still, the baby sleeps.
Though clearly hesitant, she carefully picks up her findings.
She had been told of what she would find, but she still doesn’t quite understand,
It just makes some more sense of the unusual days.

She is persuaded to spend some time with the little thing, though her attention is distracted.
The lamp, close to the floor, is creating strong bold shadows across the wall.
The girl moves closer, smiling and laughing as she watches her silhouette,
She is at ease, and seems unfazed by the circumstances.

Calling her name, he takes her into the bathroom.
The warm water covers her body as she looks up at the fish on the curtain,
The smell of the soap fills the air as she sits contently in the bath, her hair dripping down her back.
When he pulls back the fish curtains, she can see past the door into the room, where the others are.

Wrapped in a towel, she sits near the lamp, the warmth drying her figure.
She is clothed and kissed, then allowed to see the baby once more.
It is still the same- peaceful, undisturbed and pure.
She doesn’t yet know it, but has warmed to it already.

The evening grows late and they return home again, though she is asleep along the way.
As she is carried inside, she is blissfully unaware of the coming tomorrow,
She is blissfully unaware of the never-ending corridor again, of the visits across to the gardens, of her mother’s recovery and of their trip home together as a family.
She is blissfully unaware, though after tomorrow, she won’t forget.


Writers note//
My younger sister was born at Easter when I was 2 years & 3 months old.