Tuesday, April 22, 2008


So, AAGGEESS ago in one of my earlier blog entries, i mentioned one of my scarves being one of my favourite things. I also mentioned how, I had got it from a neighbour's garage sale, and assumed it was hand knitted because of how odd/unique/bizarre it is.

I mean, to give you a bit of an idea...
This is the colour theme of the scarf: #########
It has no particular pattern, it is just random, with some really quite ugly colours. Except somehow the colours end up look kinda cool together.
Also, it is a REALLY long scarf. I mean, like, its over 2 metres. maybe 2.5 even?
I absolutely love it.

So, here is the weird part.
I've had this scarf for about...6 years or so. Quite a long time. I've only become more fond of it recently, however it's always been part of my wardrobe, and I've always thought of it as completely one-of-a-kind.

The other day I was in the city....
Knowing fully well that my own scarf was safe and sound at home, i was pretty much faced with the horror of having to face one of two facts.
1) [the less horrible of the two] That whoever made my scarf hand knitted one other one, and I jsut so happened to see the person who received it.
2) That my scarf was never really hand made by my neighbour, and in fact PURCHASED FROM A SHOP, WHERE IT WAS QUITE POSSIBLY MASS PRODUCED AND SOLD.

I don't know which one to believe.
But this is a very traumatic thing to go through, for a scarf. It's identity has been stolen.

50 Things About Me

1. Cried because we drove past McDonalds without stopping
2. Dyed my hair purple
3. Lied about my age online
4. Been parasailing 3 times
5. Had to get stitches in my head from a shovel, hockey puck and couch/sofa
6. Deliberately slept in to miss an exam.
7. Become school captain!
8. Been a fangirl of an Australian Idol contestant, and seen them 7 or so times. (5 autographs too i think...)
9. Kissed someone whilst watching Happy Feet
10. Broken someone's trust.
11. Eaten chocolate in Belgium
12. Appeared onstage as Catwoman
13. Gone to a school where my dad was the principal.
14. Started crying as in chapter 4 of HP, but read it straight through, finishing after 13 hours.
15. Driven through a tunnel in italy, expecting to come out in france but ending up in Switzerland.
16. Had a crush on someone younger than me!
17. Swum with sea-lions
18. Drunk hot wine in Germany
19. Wanted to be famous on youtube....*cough*
20. Swore at my mum in front of everyone at a trivia night at a church
21. Googled myself
22. Cried on skype
23. Pretended i was tied so i didn't have to drive home when i was actually tipsy..
24. Gone to an annual music festival 16 times...and I'm only 17!
25. been thrown out of the water in malaysia by my dad cos he was stung by a jellyfish
26. Lived in the town where Melanie C from the spice girls grew up.
27. Had someone throw a packet of pens at my head.
28. Fallen in love with many fictional males. <3
29. had pet hermit crabs!
30. Dressed up as H Piddy
31. Been pushed to the ground in a mosh pit
32. Interviewed bands on the radio
33. had braces for 4 years
34. Seen Christina Aguilera perform and enjoyed it.
35. Had my passport stolen in Vietnam
36. Dated someone shorter than me
37. Spent half an hour writing down a dream
38. Skinny Dipped!
39. Started dating someone my best friend had a crush on.
40. Not been able to go to my grandpa's funeral because I was living in another country.
41. Was dropped on my head on concrete and had coffee spilt on me as a baby...
42. Written a letter to a celebrity but never sent it.
43. Found money in a pool in Italy and kept it.
44. Had jaw surgery
45. Had heath ledger smile and wave to me personally.
46. Visited Vatican city.
47. Collected glow worms at a camping ground in France.
48. Gone to a disney princess like castle on the top of a mountain in portugal.
49. Stolen a lollipop from a supermarket when i was about seven.
50. Never met my biological father that I know of....