Tuesday, April 22, 2008


So, AAGGEESS ago in one of my earlier blog entries, i mentioned one of my scarves being one of my favourite things. I also mentioned how, I had got it from a neighbour's garage sale, and assumed it was hand knitted because of how odd/unique/bizarre it is.

I mean, to give you a bit of an idea...
This is the colour theme of the scarf: #########
It has no particular pattern, it is just random, with some really quite ugly colours. Except somehow the colours end up look kinda cool together.
Also, it is a REALLY long scarf. I mean, like, its over 2 metres. maybe 2.5 even?
I absolutely love it.

So, here is the weird part.
I've had this scarf for about...6 years or so. Quite a long time. I've only become more fond of it recently, however it's always been part of my wardrobe, and I've always thought of it as completely one-of-a-kind.

The other day I was in the city....
Knowing fully well that my own scarf was safe and sound at home, i was pretty much faced with the horror of having to face one of two facts.
1) [the less horrible of the two] That whoever made my scarf hand knitted one other one, and I jsut so happened to see the person who received it.
2) That my scarf was never really hand made by my neighbour, and in fact PURCHASED FROM A SHOP, WHERE IT WAS QUITE POSSIBLY MASS PRODUCED AND SOLD.

I don't know which one to believe.
But this is a very traumatic thing to go through, for a scarf. It's identity has been stolen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i think that the most possible is the 2nd idea.... which was my 1st idea....but yeah ... i am sorry to hear that :)

thanks for commenting in my blog i saw it today...