Monday, October 15, 2007

Thoughts from July: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows

I remember writing the following passages whilst horribly sick with a cold and far too tired to be on the computer. I also remember hiding the document in a really random folder on my computer, but it has now been found.

My thoughts regarding the 7th book.

It's funny to look back on them. I was so sure I would become depressed, though I've been absolutely fine (despite the many tears shed whilst reading)


Harry Potter. 10.28pm, Friday 20th July, 2007.

The time has come. In just over 10 hours the 7th and final Harry Potter book will be realeased.
Original feelings of excitment in the past year have been quashed by new ones of complete and utter concern.

Harry has been a part of my life for the last 7 years. I hardly remember my first experiences with him, but they must have been good for me to be here typing this today.

A story, a world, a magical place. The incredible series that JK Rowling created has been 100% absorbed into my life and spirit.

I love Harry, I love his world, I love his friends. I hate his enemys, and I've cried, laughed and grown up with him.

In ways this has made Harry so personal to me. A boy in my imagination. Yet Harry is not only mine, but a part of millions of people's lives all over the world.

Tomorrow morning, Deathly Hallows will be released. I don't know how long it will take me to read it. I don't know what my reaction will be.
What i do know, is that after tomorrow, when I close the book. I will be closing the last chapter of the journey I've had.

The internet has meant a huge harry potter phenomenon, with fanfiction, roleplay games, games, artwork and so much more created from what Jo has given us.
It will be interesting to see just what happens after the final book is released.

Over the past few days, over 1000 books were released early. I pride myself on the way I've kept spoiler free, and when I go to bed after writing this, I know it will be difficult going to sleep knowing that in the morning the final journey begins.

I may not be making much sense writing this. But I need to say it. I need to express just how much I adore Harry.

The movies have not at all curbed my enthusiasm, but rather reinforced it, and given it a great new spin.

Seven years of Harry will not be forgotten, and I look forward to sharing him with my children, and many others in the future.

To see what Harry Potter has become. To be part of this thing is just so unbelievably amazing, and it is with greatest despair that I will have to say goodbye.

This is it. The time has come, will good triumph over evil?


Saturday 21st July, quarter past midnight.

I finished Harry Potter at 12.01

I don't know what to think.


So there we go.
What a crazy day that was.

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