Wednesday, October 24, 2007

[not so] FAQ

What is your favorite color?

I don't know about my favorite color, but I could tell you a bit about my favourite colour. I don't have one! It's the kind of question that really is frequently asked, and I never know what to say. Sometimes I say rainbow, and people tell me it isn't a colour. Other times I say numerous colours and I get told that you can't have multiple favourites. Other times I've been emo and said black, and people tell me it's a shade, not a colour. WTF? However, if you look in my wardrobe, there is a hell of a lot of blue, green and grey. Does that mean they are my favourite colours? I don't think so, I just happen to like wearing them. So, I don't think I do have a favourite, I just love colours in general. I find it particularly enjoyable sorting things by colour. Especially M&Ms and coloured pencils.*

*note: bolding for Jordan & Americans in general.

What brought you to VH?

As you can tell from every other blog I've done, I love Harry Potter. That's what brought me to Virtual Hogwarts. The people there is what's kept me there.

Why do you think we* get along so well?

I think we get along so well because we are both amazing. XD In all honesty, I don't know. Maybe because we are so different in so many ways that we can share differences with each other, yet at the same time we have similarities, and we've been drawn together by VH. I think we can talk for hours, laugh for hours and write for hours, so that's why we own. [& do get along so well]

*Note: 'We', being, Teresa & Ellie.

How much do you love me*?

I love you so much. You're so friendly, hilarious, talented, intelligent, great to talk to & more than wonderful to know. <333

* Note: 'Me' being Teresa.

OMG I’m* the first American you ever texted. How does it make you feel?

I was SO excited when I sent that text message. It was so bizarre to be sending something across the other side of the world, and when you received it so quickly, my heart skipped a bit. It makes me very happy that it was you who got it. <3

*note: 'I' being Teresa.

Why do we bother with Lamearse*?

We bother, because we love him. Although he is LAME at having MSN on when he isn't there, when he is around, it's wonderful. He can be hilarious, helpful, great to listen to, great to be listened by, handy for suggesting music, fun to chat to on Skype [when the STATIC doesn't kill us all] and just generally an awesome guy. <3

* Note: Lamearse being Jordan.

Can you make my teeth grow faster so it doesn’t hurt as much?

I suggest going into hibernation, so that when you wake up, you will have missed the pain, and the growing process will be over. Alternatively, you could take some painkillers and wait. I'm sorry, that's all. <333

Don't you think Kill Bill is one of the best movie series ever?

I have to admit, I haven't seen Kill Bill. *hides from embarrassment*. There just hasn't been a time that I have had the chance to watch it! However I will agree that it is one of the best movie series ever, because everyone says so, and it looks pretty snazzy, from what I've seen&heard. And Uma Thurman is just awesome.

What’s it like having to be on at certain times to talk to Americans?

It's bizarre. At times, it can be frustrating and boring, especially when I'm on in the evening and all you Americans are sleeping. Yet at the same time, I think it makes it more exciting when I do talk to people, because I know that it's harder to find times when it's possible. Synchronising can be difficult though. However, I've become awesome at working out time differences. For example, it's currently 2.27am in Virginia & Ohio. Also, it's fun being able to say I'm from the future. <3

Has VH or any other RP site changed how you write over time? How?

It has completely changed how I write. My writing from a few years back is nothing like the way I write now. And although part of that can be accredited to just growing up, my roleplaying has improved dramatically [I think/hope] and so VH can definitely win the award for changing Ellie's writing the most.

We know your earliest memory, but what's your favourite?

Yes you do know my earliest memory *points down*, but my favourite? Hmmm. It is a tough call. I'm thinking that it is quite possibly New Years from this year. However the killers/arctic monkeys/bloc party gigs I went to during 2007 were also amazing. Andd if I go back a few years, reading a book full of messages from hundreds of people when I got baptized was pretty incredible. I DONT KNOW! SO MANY GOOD MEMORIES!

Will you do my Algebra homework for me?

You know what? If you had have asked me that yesterday Sam, I may very well have said yes. However, I'll have to say now. Why? Because today I had my last. maths. class. EVER. So, i'm in my 2nd final year of school. I'm so close to being out. This time next year I will be done. Forever. Anyway, this year I am doing final year maths. Why? Because it means I won't have to do it next year, so it will be over and done with. Also, because I'm lucky, and it will mean I end up with 6 subjects counting towards my final score, compared to alot of people with only 5. SO, final year classes finished today, so MATHS FINISHED! No more, ever, again. Except for my two maths exams in less than 2 weeks.

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